Publisher ID: pub-5956747228423723 Publisher ID: pub-5956747228423723

Saturday 10 August 2013

if you choose to


Your greatest weakness can become your biggest advantage, if you choose to make it so. Your biggest problem can become your most valuable and promising opportunity, if you choose to make it so.
What ultimately matters most is not what life gives you or withholds from you. What ultimately matters most is what you choose to do with it.
Many things are out of your control, and complaining or begging or wishing for them to be different is a waste of your time. What you can control is what you do with it all, and by exercising that control you’ll find limitless positive possibilities.
Yes, you can absolutely transform a difficult, challenging day into a highly empowering day. The first step is making the choice to do so.
Once you make that commitment, you are entirely capable of finding a way. Once you make that commitment, you connect yourself with a very real pathway to success.
Your life can be enormously fulfilling, no matter what. Make the choice, again and again, to make it so.

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